As a radical philosopher, almost everything in our world, is viewed from a critically different prism. It brought me so much hardship, that I tried to modify somewhat into the milder areas of opinion, but the holy ghost slapped me upside the head,many many moons ago saying, “be yourself, oh

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To assume something is delinquent, in the absence of the necessity, or neglect accessing the relevant facts, critical to make a sensible analysis of the situation. Otherwise, the function of the ability to assume, is to be applied only when it is sensible, necessary and kept guardedly hypothesized. This type

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This beautiful human being was a Pakistani philanthropist ascetic and humanitarian who founded the Edhi foundation which runs the worlds largest volunteer ambulance network, along with homeless shelters, animal shelters, rehab centers and orphanages across Pakistan.Born Feb.28 1928 in Bantva India, and died July 8 2016 in Karachi Pakistan. This

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My Prayers/ Love for Synagogue victims and Families.

How many must die, in this manner before our senior officials demonstrate that they care and understand, the essence of these horrible violence in our society, their responsibility, as elected officials, must reflect and display the important elements, that would make them worthy public service. It’s a socio-political travesty, to

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Jamal Khashoggi; Another Angel Snuffed Out by evil forces.

When you live in an environment and your well being is dependent on the health and integrity of such environment, then it becomes critical for you to understand, that environment as much as possible. Like any rotting organism, a certain odor of expression that emanates from such organism, tends to

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contempt for principle and morality

Among other things, two of the most precious elements in our world that’s quite elusive, are truth and integrity. When an investigative or policing body is not independent and essentially aloof from politics and the very powerful and the inherent influence and corrupt effects in society, we are deluding ourselves

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